Up next is Meghan Hildebrand's solo exhibition, “Standing By”. Opening April 27th, this exhibition explores colourful, dream-like landscapes inspired by communities along the west coast. Cabins on the shore, boats, or logs floating along waterways all serve as anchors, tethering the figurative to the abstract.

Hildebrand explores both familiar and dream-like landscapes. She creates an exciting sense of depth through her use of colour and pattern, where viewers almost hope to push past the colourful foliage and explore what’s beneath. Paradoxically, Hildebrand succeeds in using both maximalist and simplified principles to create worlds within worlds.

This collection of eleven new paintings provides just enough visual information to give viewers a firm sense of place, while allowing their mind to create endless narratives. Working on a flat canvas, Hildebrand creates an exciting sense of depth through her use of colour and pattern. Each work invites the viewers to dive in, explore, and place themselves in these dream worlds that Hildebrand has created.