“Starting in California’s Bay Area, up through Southern Oregon, into Washington State, and across the border into British Columbia, Witches of the West features the work of the five female artists living and working along North America’s West Coast.
From the intricate pyrography of Alexis Mixter, and the bold paintings of Jennifer Ament and Meghan Hildebrand, to the miniature worlds created by Shannon Taylor and my own embellished collages, all of the pieces in this show exude a powerful, defiant, feminine energy. Not only is the energy similar, our work is also connected by the use of elements from nature. Is this a byproduct of being from the west? Maybe. Or, perhaps it’s a little more mystical than that. Wood, water, flowers, fire, and soooo much gold — gold leaf, glitter, gold paint, gold lockets — you can’t get that much gold without a whipping up a bit of creative alchemy!
Each of us creates powerful work on our own, but when shown together, an entirely new spell is cast. Witches of the West conjures up positive energy, humor, beauty and magic at a moment in history when I believe we need it most.
–Danielle Krysa, Curator & Artist”
for more information on individual paintings, head to ‘exbhibitions’ page.